

Programming Elixir 1.6 by Dave Thomas
Very good easy to understand book on learning Elixir from the ground up.

Programming Phoenix 1.4 by Chris McCord, Bruce Tate, and Jose Valim
Very good book on learning how to use the web “framework” Phoenix to create high performance web applications by the creators of the Phoenix.

The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook by Benjamin Tan Wei Hao
Has a decent overview of Elixir and its syntax with some useful tips and then jumps into OTP.

Metaprogramming Elixir: Write Less Code, Get More Done by Chris McCord
More advanced book on writing Elixir macros, worth a look once you master the language.

Community Resources

Elixir Radar
Great weekly newsletter with awesome articles and news from around the community and also job listings for the language.

Elixir Digest
A weekly newsletter with five highlights from the Elixir and Phoenix community.


Elixir Mix
Interviews with people from the Elixir community.

Elixir Outlaws
An informal discussion about interesting things happening in Elixir.

Elixir Wizards
Conversations with software developers from around the world about Elixir and other modern technologies.

Elixir Fountain
Great interviews and news from around the Elixir community.
Currently Inactive


elixir sips
Many screencasts covering a wide range of concepts in Elixir, originally created as a way for the author to learn Elixir, it has been built into a fairly comprehensive collection of how-to screencasts of various topics relating to Elixir.
